Smiling Sagebrush,Santa Fe, New Mexico.Used as traditional medicine by Native Americans, this plant also provides habitat to birds such as the sage grouse, sagebrush sparrow, and other small animals. I love the soft silvery-green-blue gray in-between colors.Pinch a sprig, and the aroma is like a sharp fresh summer desert morning………#sagebrush #nativeplants #doitfortheprocess santafe #newmexico #watercolor #painting #creativepractice #instaart #colorstory #colorpalette #desertplants #silver #green #nativeamerican #plantmedicine #plants #garden #gardenlovers

Jul 28, 2018 in Instagram

Smiling Sagebrush,Santa Fe, New Mexico.Used as traditional medicine by Native Americans, this plant also provides habitat to birds such as the sage grouse, sagebrush sparrow, and other small animals. I love the soft silvery-green-blue gray in-between colors.Pinch a sprig, and the aroma is like a sharp fresh summer desert morning.........#sagebrush #nativeplants #doitfortheprocess santafe #newmexico #watercolor #painting #creativepractice #instaart #colorstory #colorpalette #desertplants #silver #green #nativeamerican #plantmedicine #plants #garden #gardenlovers

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